Why Streamr has Integrated with Chainlink for Reliable Oracles

Why Streamr has Integrated with Chainlink for Reliable Oracles

It is no secret that the world’s data economy is a mess. Vying for ever greater control, today’s tech behemoths are locking up the information we all create in silos, so few people, except themselves, can access those resources. Those attempting to connect with the … Read more

Crowdselling Your Information Through a Data Union

Crowdselling Your Information Through a Data Union

The way personal data is managed and profited from is a topic that is undoubtedly moving up the political agenda. In February, California’s Governor proposed doling out the proceeds of the information industry with a ‘data dividend’. US Senator Elizabeth Warren has suggested that the … Read more

Dev Update March 2019

Dev Update March 2019

Welcome to our March dev update. We are quickly leaving behind the coldest of winters and heading into spring for both Streamr and the crypto ecosystem. During the last month, our Network team continued with their development of Broker Nodes and we are seeing good … Read more

In Defence of Szabo’s law: Round Robin by design

I’ll start with a personal story. Just over a decade ago, when I was a freelance journalist, three police officers from the Greater Manchester police terrorism unit came knocking at my door. When I asked why they had shown up at my flat, they told … Read more

Streamr Telegram AMA with Henri Pihkala

Transcript: Telegram AMA with Henri Pihkala — 13th March 2019

On the 13th March 2019 we held a LIVE Telegram AMA with Streamr CEO, Henri Pihkala. Questions covered a range of topics, from the current state of the project, partnerships, DATA tokenomics, marketing , and what lies ahead for the team and decentralised data space. Here’s … Read more

Dev Update February 2019

Dev Update February 2019

February has been a quite frenetic month packed with many exciting developments. From the Network side, the team has been working relentlessly on various simulations and testing different topologies. In addition to that, they have been building analytical tools to improve their monitoring of the … Read more

Streamr’s Marketing: The road ahead

Streamr’s Marketing: The road ahead

Streamr’s marketing strategy has been a hot topic within our community for many months. Since joining the project in mid-November, I have spent a lot of time reviewing our past and present marketing efforts and developed a better understanding of what we need to be … Read more

Monoplasma: A simple way to broadcast money

Monoplasma: A simple way to broadcast money

Monoplasma is a special-purpose off-chain scaling solution for one-to-many payments. It’s a good fit for any system where you repeatedly need to: We built Monoplasma because we needed it for the upcoming Data Unions feature on the Streamr Marketplace. Data Unions will allow end users … Read more

#8 ways you can help the Streamr community grow

Streamr has come a long way since we brought our crowdfunding to a close back in October 2017. And so much of the current success is down to you, the community of nearly 10,000 strong. Whether you’re on Reddit, Telegram, Peepth, Twitter, YouTube, GitHub or … Read more

ETHDenver 2019: here we come!

So we’re excited. Next week, four Streamr Community members including Henri P, will be flying in to the Mile High city to attend ETHDenver for the very first time. Last year, the energy of the event seemed to exude from people’s pics and videos. You … Read more

Get ready. The data revolution is brewing.

Your next Smart TV purchase will know how to spy on you and has buyers for your data. You bought a product from the store but as soon as you switch it on, and for its lifetime, you are the product. If you feel a … Read more

The New API Explorer for Streamr Developers

Today we’re launching the Streamr API Explorer as part of our ongoing drive to improve the developer experience on the Streamr platform. The Explorer is an interactive dashboard to query our RESTful API directly inside the browser. You’ll be able to test and experiment with … Read more

Dev Update January 2019

We are starting the new year with a bang! If you haven’t read it yet, please take a look at one of the most anticipated features on our data Marketplace: Community Products. In short, this feature will allow any number of individual users to push … Read more

Introducing Data Unions

Introducing Data Unions — making crowdselling a reality

How do people sell their data? Individuals have certainly tried — offering it up on eBay is one tactic that goes all the way back to the year 2000. But almost two decades on from that early attempt, and despite the fact that the personal data market … Read more

Streamr community fund

Announcing the Streamr Community Fund — you take the wheel!

Table of ContentsObjectiveShow me the DATA!AdministratorsHow to become an administrator?Fund governance and decision makingFund allocation examples Objective In line with doubling down on our commitment to decentralization across all areas of the Streamr project, Streamr is excited to launch our Community Fund. It’s hoped that this fund … Read more

Gwei or die: Is eradicating user gas costs a fatal move for Web3?

Gwei or die: Is eradicating user gas costs a fatal move for Web3?

During my time as a Guardian journalist, the then Readers’ Editor, Chris Elliott, told me a story. Not long after launching the paper’s website, in 1999, the office began receiving cheques. Loyal readers wanted to offer payment for what they’d read online, as they were … Read more

Streamr Product Design Preview 2019

Streamr Product Design Preview 2019

It has been a while since I’ve written about Streamr design, so I thought I’d share a preview of what the design team will be rolling out to production early next year. To understand what we’ve been doing, it helps to have a bit of … Read more

Cold Chain Monitoring Tutorial

Video Script In this tutorial I will be covering two main aspects: This demo is built around the use case of a transportation company servicing refrigerated goods. We want to give clients a solution to monitor the condition of their products during the journey in … Read more

Announcing three new products to our Marketplace

Announcing three new products to our Marketplace

Streamr is proud to announce the integration of three new products to our award-winning real-time data Marketplace today. Atmotrack, which is offering street level pollution data, Cryptoquote’s cryptocurrency firehose, and TraderMade’s foreign exchange data are currently available to purchase by application builders looking to improve … Read more

IATA Hackathon Summary

Over this last weekend (30 Nov — 2 Dec) Streamr was invited to contribute to a hackathon organized by the International Air Transportation Association (aka IATA), in Lapland, which focused primarily on airline retail industry. Streamr was the sole blockchain API provider at this hackathon and we … Read more