Join the P2P Video Streaming Case Study and Win $DATA tokens

We’re exploring the frontier of decentralized video streaming with Streamr, a peer-to-peer data broadcasting protocol. By allowing video content to be delivered directly between devices, Streamr can deliver a P2P media streaming solution that significantly reduces latency and distribution costs.

We’ve been developing this technology since 2017, and are excited to explore this use case following the 1.0 Mainnet launch. Now we need your help to test it! 

How does it work? 

Traditional video streaming requires content to be sent individually to each viewer via a centralised server, leading to linear increases in costs. However, by integrating Streamr SDK into video players, viewers can become active nodes in the distribution network, sharing properly formatted, encoded, and segmented video chunks directly with each other, cutting down on the need for centralised server bandwidth.

The goal is a scalable, cost-effective solution that enhances the viewing experience while minimizing the infrastructure traditionally required for video streaming.

How can I participate? 

This is where you come in. We’re inviting decentralization pioneers to help us test this live streaming concept and win $DATA tokens in the process.

We need volunteers starting with Europe and North America, and then expanding to other regions, to join a live stream from their devices. There’s no need for active participation in the talk, simply tuning in via your web browser will support the stream and help relay it to other viewers in a peer-to-peer fashion.

Win $400 in $DATA tokens

You have, besides the unquestionable honor of being an early adopter of a groundbreaking technology, a chance to win $400 in $DATA tokens.

We will draw 5 random winners of $400 worth of $DATA tokens (each) among the participants shortly after the next demo.

Sign up and become a streaming pioneer 

Simply click the button below, fill out a simple form and we’ll send you an invite plus the instructions for how to join the stream.

To be eligible to win, you’ll need to be in one of the listed regions, and available to join the livestream from your computer or laptop on the chosen date. 

We’ll be running the test in several legs, 50 users first, then 500, and so on. Emails will be sent out to participants to fill the amounts, segmented by regions. So if you miss the first round, keep an eye out on your inbox for the later rounds.

Sign me up

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