Crowd Contribution Details

Crowd Contribution Details

TL; DR: Registration period Oct 6–9th, Contribution period Oct 12–26th.

Dear community, registration for the Streamr crowd contribution period will begin on Friday, October 6th at 12:00 UTC. Mark your calendars!

Our pre-contribution period was a success beyond expectations, but even so, there were several things we wanted to improve for the crowd contribution period. We wanted to have a minimum contribution limit much lower than 5,000 CHF. We wanted to add transparency to the process, and to cut down on manual work where possible. Where not possible, we wanted to have significantly more resources helping with onboarding and support to deliver a better participant experience. And to do all this without skimming on compliance! The following model should achieve these goals pretty well.

The crowd contribution period will have two tracks:

  • Small Cap track for contributions between 500–5,000 CHF (equivalent), and
  • Large Cap track for contributions between 5,000–50,000 CHF (equivalent).

The Small Cap track will have a faster KYC/AML process, and a 24 hour exclusive contribution period before the Large Caps can participate. Registration for both tracks will begin at the same time on October 6th. If you wish, you can register and participate in both tracks.

Registration cut-off time is Monday, October 9th at 12:00 UTC. Registrations correctly submitted before this deadline are guaranteed to be processed by the start of the respective contribution periods. We will accept late registrations after the cut-off time, but they are not guaranteed to be processed and whitelisted before the contribution period opens. Late registrations will be processed on a best-effort basis, and whitelisted once per day after approval.

Approved registrants in either track will have their Ethereum addresses whitelisted, which allows them to send ETH to the contribution smart contract. Non-whitelisted addresses can not participate. The contract address will be available later on our contribution website.

The contribution period is planned to start on Thursday, October 12th at 12:00 UTC. Whitelisted Small Cap participants have an exclusive 24 hour period. In other words, whitelisted Large Cap registrants can participate after the 24 hour period has passed on Friday, October 13th at 12:00 UTC.

Due to the recent press release by FINMA, the Swiss financial regulatory authority, we may want to seek their guidance before starting the contribution period. For this reason, the October 12th date should be regarded as tentative.

Registration and KYC for both tracks will be handled by Bitcoin Suisse. Below you will find instructions on how to prepare for each track. There is no race to register in either track. Just make sure you get there before the cut-off time.

Small Cap Registration

The Small Cap registration will happen through a fast-track process. This track is only available for individuals, not companies or other entities.

If you are already signed up and approved on the Bitcoin Suisse platform, you can participate in the Small Cap track there, as this is the best option for you. However, in case you are not on the BS platform, you can use a fast alternative process. You can enter your details and upload documents using a simple web form, and wait for confirmation of whitelisting via email. Passing KYC is always a pre-requisite for whitelisting.

The registration will open on October 6th 12:00 UTC, and the link will be available on our contribution website.

The following will be needed in the Small Cap registration process via the web form:

  • Picture/scan of passport or valid national ID
  • ID-selfie: Picture of your face with the same ID document next to it
  • Proof of residence (utility bill, banking statement, governmental document, etc.)
  • Picture/scan of Form A signed by hand
  • Bitcoin Suisse framework agreement signed by hand
  • An Ethereum address you will send ETH from and receive the tokens to. This cannot be an exchange address. Otherwise you will not be able to access your tokens. Instead, it must be an address for which you hold the private key.

You will need a translation for documents in non-latin alphabet. We recommend this translation company.

Large Cap Registration

The Large Cap registration will happen through the Bitcoin Suisse platform only. If you are not yet signed up, you should do so now at, and provide the KYC documents requested there. If you have already signed up and passed KYC on the platform, you don’t need to identify yourself again. Approved KYC is a pre-requisite for registration.

Registration will open on October 6th 12:00 UTC, at which time the Streamr crowd contribution period will be unlocked in the platform. The following will be needed (in addition to the materials requested when you sign up):

  • Bitcoin Suisse framework agreement signed by hand
  • An Ethereum address you will send ETH from and receive the tokens to. This cannot be an exchange address. Otherwise you will not be able to access your tokens. Instead, it must be an address for which you hold the private key.
  • Origin of funds, if requested by Bitcoin Suisse.

You will need a translation for documents in non-latin alphabet. We recommend this translation company.


Whitelisted Small Cap registrants will have a window of 24 hours (planned to start on Thursday, October 12th at 12:00 UTC) to send ETH to the smart contract before any Large Cap registrant can do so. The contribution period for Large Cap registrants starts on the next day after the 24 hour Small Cap period has expired: Friday, October 13th at 12:00 UTC.

The price is defined as 1 CHF = 18.25 DATA. The ETH/CHF rate will be locked 6 hours before the start of the Small Cap contribution period and will remain the same until the end. The tokens are available for whitelisted participants in a first come, first serve fashion.

The contribution period will end on Thursday, October 26th 12:00 UTC or as soon as it is full. The contribution period is full when a total of 30 million Swiss Francs has been reached over all contribution periods, including pre-contribution periods.

Staying Safe

The address of the smart contract will be published on our official channels:

  • Contribution website:
  • #announcements channel on our community chat:
  • Twitter:

There are no other official channels. For example, the “Streamr ICO” channel on Telegram is a scam!

Do not trust addresses or information you find elsewhere, and always validate the address from multiple sources before sending ETH. We will provide instructions for popular wallets.

Disclaimer: This blog post is a declaration of intent, and does not constitute an offering. Detailed terms and conditions of the crowd contribution periods will be available on the website published by Streamr Network AG.

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